Note: Answers may be longer than I would deem sufficient on an exam. Some might vary slightly based on points of interest, examples, or personal experience. These suggested answers are designed to give you both the answer and a short explanation of why it is the answer.
A finitely repeated game is a game that is played (by the same players) for a fixed number of times (e.g. 5, 10, 5 million). The important idea is that all players know exactly which round the game will end on. In a game with a unique Nash equilibrium in a one-shot game (e.g. a Prisoners’ Dilemma), in the final round, players play these equilibrium strategies (e.g. dominant strategies, etc) since there is no affect on the nonexistent future rounds (i.e. no punishments or rewards in future rounds based on actions in the final round). Using subgame perfection, and backwards induction, since all players know what will occur in the final round, they cannot reward or punish players for what they do in the second-to-last round, so they will play their equilibrium strategies in the second-to-last round. Extend this all the way to the first round, and players will play the equilibrium strategy in every round.
Thus, a finitely-repeated game has the same equilibrium in the one-shot version as the multi-round version. For example, in a finitely-repeated prisoners’ dilemma, subgame perfection predicts players Defect in every round.
An infinitely repeated game is played for an unknowable amount of rounds. This can be interpreted two ways: 1. Players actually play an infinite number of rounds, forever, but discount the future at some constant rate \(\delta\) 2. Each round of the game leads to another round of the game with some constant probability \(\theta\)
The folk theorem says that if players play an infinitely repeated game and can observe each player’s history, then if players have high enough discount rates (\(\delta\) – they are patient enough to care enough about future payoffs vs. present payoffs) or if there is a high enough probability of repeated interaction (\(\theta\)), then any equilibrium that is at least as good as the one-shot equilibrium is possible.
The punchline is, in a prisoners’ dilemma, if players care enough about the future (\(\delta\) or \(\theta\) is high enough), then cooperation is a sustainable and rational equilibrium.
A subgame is any game that is initated upon reaching a decision node (i.e. it extends from the decision node all the way to any terminal nodes from that branch), so long as it fully contains an information set (it breaks no information sets). Think of it like any branch that extends all the way to the end.
In the game tree above, there are 5 subgames (circled on the tree below):
A Nash equilibrium set of strategies is subgame perfect if it is sequentially rational: the pair of strategies must be a Nash equilibrium in every possible subgame. That is, if any subgame were reached, neither player would want to deviate from their strategy.
Subgame perfection rules out threats and promises that are not credible, i.e. if the relevant subgame were reached, players would want to change their announced strategy to the SPNE strategy
A strategic move is a move that a player can take to change the game in their favor. Normally, these are moves that are made in a stage prior to the actual game, and which changes the nature of the actual game to be played. There are three types of strategic moves:
Both promises and threats are not credible if the threatened/promised strategy is not incentive-compatible for the threatener/promisor if the subgame is reached where they must carry out the promise or threat and it is not in their interest to do so. In other words, a threatened/promised strategy is not credible unless it is subgame perfect – it would be a Nash equilibrium for the player to carry out the threat or promise.
Promises and threats can be made credible with commitment that changes the payoffs or available moves to the threatener/promisor such that they will indeed choose to carry out the promise or threat if that subgame were reached.
A strategy is evolutionarily stable (ESS) if a population of players all playing that strategy cannot successfully be invaded by a small group of mutants playing a different strategy.
A monomorphic equilibrium is where all members of the population are playing the same strategy (a single phenotype) and that strategy is ESS. For example, in the Hawk-Dove game, a population where all individuals play Hawk, and could not be successfully invaded by mutant Doves, is a monomorphic equilibrium.
A polymorphic equilibrium is where different fractions of a population each play a different strategy (or there are multiple phenotypes in the population). This is the case where there is no single strategy that is ESS, and therefore a monomorphic equilibrium is impossible. An example would be a population that is some fraction of Doves and some fraction of Hawks (in a scenario where neither Hawk nor Dove is ESS).
Consider an evolutionary version of the Stag Hunt game, where members of a species can decide to cooperate and hunt a Stag together, or defect and go after a Hare on their own.
Consider a population of Stag-players, who are randomly matched to play each other:
This is important to remember going forward: \(\epsilon\) is a very small number! Think like 0.01.
We need to check if the expected payoff of normal (Stag) types is higher than mutant (Hare) types: \[\begin{align*} E[Normal] &\lessgtr E[Mutant]\\ E[Stag] &\lessgtr E[Hare]\\ 2(1-\epsilon)+0(\epsilon) &\lessgtr 1(1-\epsilon)+1(\epsilon)\\ 2-2\epsilon &> 1 \\ \end{align*}\]
Yes, Stag is ESS, a population of Stag-players cannot successfully be invaded by a small group of mutant Hare-players.
Consider a population of Hare-players, who are randomly matched to play each other:
We need to check if the expected payoff of normal (Hare) types is higher than mutant (Stag) types: \[\begin{align*} E[Normal] &\lessgtr E[Mutant]\\ E[Hare] &\lessgtr E[Stag]\\ 1(1-\epsilon)+1(\epsilon) &\lessgtr 0(1-\epsilon)+2(\epsilon)\\ 1 &> 2\epsilon \\ \end{align*}\]
Yes, Hare is ESS, a population of Hare-players cannot successfully be invaded by a small group of mutant Stag-players.
The two PSNE are (Stag, Stag) and (Hare, Hare). If a strategy, \(S\), is ESS, then (\(S,S\)) must be a PSNE.
Suppose the environment changes such that hunting a large Hare alone is equally rewarding to the cooperative hunt of a Stag (but if they both hunt Hare, it is less rewarding).
Consider a population of Hare-players, who are randomly matched to play each other:
We need to check if the expected payoff of normal (Hare) types is higher than mutant (Stag) types:
\[\begin{align*} E[Normal] &\lessgtr E[Mutant]\\ E[Hare] &\lessgtr E[Stag]\\ 1(1-\epsilon)+2(\epsilon) &\lessgtr 0(1-\epsilon)+2(\epsilon)\\ 1+\epsilon &> 2\epsilon \\ \end{align*}\]
Yes, Hare is ESS, a population of Hare-players cannot successfully be invaded by a small group of mutant Stag-players.
Consider a population of Stag-players, who are randomly matched to play each other:
We need to check if the expected payoff of normal (Stag) types is higher than mutant (Hare) types:
\[\begin{align*} E[Normal] &\lessgtr E[Mutant]\\ E[Stag] &\lessgtr E[Hare]\\ 2(1-\epsilon)+0(\epsilon) &\lessgtr 2(1-\epsilon)+1(\epsilon)\\ 2-2\epsilon &< 2-\epsilon \\ \end{align*}\]
No, Stag is not ESS, a population of Stag-players will be successfully invaded by a small group of mutant Hare-players.
In the game above, (Hare, Hare) is a strict PSNE, since the best response to a player playing Hare is to also play Hare. This means that a population of Hare-players could not be invaded by mutant Stag-players.
(Stag, Stag) on the other hand is a weak PSNE, since both Stag and Hare are best responses to a player playing Stag (both yield a payoff of 2). This means that a population of Stag-players could be invaded by mutant Hare-players.
In general, let S be a strategy available to all players:
If \((S,S)\) is a strict pure strategy Nash equilibrium (PSNE), then S is an evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS). Conversely, if S is an ESS, then \((S,S)\) is a strict PSNE. This implies that playing S is a strict (unique) best response against other players playing S. This means that a population of S-players can not be invaded by any mutant playing another strategy.
If \((S,S)\) is a weak PSNE, then S is not an ESS. This implies that S is not a (only) strict best response against S, there are other strategies \(S'\) that are also best responses against S. This means that a population of S-players can be invaded by mutant S’ players.
Consider the evolutionary Hawk-Dove game, where members of a species are competing over a resource valued at 12, with a cost of losing a fight being \(-15\).
This is a simple Chicken game, so the two PSNE are:
Consider a population of Hawk-players, who are randomly matched to play each other:
We need to check if the expected payoff of normal (Hawk) types is higher than mutant (Dove) types:
\[\begin{align*} E[Normal] &\lessgtr E[Mutant]\\ E[Hawk] &\lessgtr E[Dove]\\ -1.5(1-\epsilon)+12(\epsilon) &\lessgtr 0(1-\epsilon)+6(\epsilon)\\ 13.5\epsilon-1.5 &< 6\epsilon \\ \end{align*}\]
No, Hawk is not ESS, a population of Hawk-players will be successfully invaded by a small group of mutant Dove-players (for very small \(\epsilon\)).
Consider a population of Dove-players, who are randomly matched to play each other:
We need to check if the expected payoff of normal (Dove) types is higher than mutant (Hawk) types:
\[\begin{align*} E[Normal] &\lessgtr E[Mutant]\\ E[Dove] &\lessgtr E[Hawk]\\ 6(1-\epsilon)+0(\epsilon) &\lessgtr 12(1-\epsilon)-1.5(\epsilon)\\ 6-6\epsilon &< 12-13.5\epsilon \\ \end{align*}\]
No, Dove is not ESS, a population of Dove-players will be successfully invaded by a small group of mutant Hawk-players (for very small \(\epsilon\)).
Neither Hawk nor Dove are ESS, because neither (Hawk, Hawk) nor (Dove, Dove) are PSNE.
Find the evolutionarily stable (polymorphic) equilibrium distribution of Hawks and Doves. [Hint: let \(p\) be the probability the other player is a Hawk.]
Forget mutants and normal types for a moment, just consider the expected payoff of any individual playing Hawk or playing Dove against a random opponent, who plays Hawk with probability \(p\) and Dove with probability (\(1-p\)). This is akin to finding a mixed strategy Nash equilibrium (MSNE), the probability \(p\) where the expected payoff of playing either strategy is equal (opponent indifference principle).
\[\begin{align*} E[Hawk]&=E[Dove]\\ -1.5(p)+12(1-p)&=0(p)+6(1-p)\\ 12-13.5p&=6-6p\\ 12&=6+7.5p\\ 6&=7.5p\\ 0.80&=p\\ \end{align*}\]
The polymorphic ESS is where 80% of the population are Hawks, 20% are Doves. If we were to graph the expected payoffs as a function of \(p\):
Consider the following game between two roommates. Roommate A has a very difficult exam the next morning, while Roommate B does not. The two of them can each decide to Study or Go Out that evening. Both would rather do something together, while A would certainly prefer they both Study and B would prefer they both Go Out.
There are three subgames (shown in answer to part a): 1. The game itself 2. The subgame initiated by decision node B.1 3. The subgame initiated by decision node B.2
Since B faces two decision nodes with 2 strategies at each node, they have \(2^2=4\) possible strategies. For convenience, I denote their strategies as the ordered pair of what choice they would make at decision nodes (B.1, B.2). For shorthand: S stands for Study; GO stands for Go Out.
This is not a credible statement because it is not subgame perfect. B would indeed Go Out if A chose to Go Out, but if A chooses to Study (and we enter the lower subgame B.1 on the left), B is better off also choosing to Study.