class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # 1.4 — Simultaneous Games & Normal Form ## ECON 316 • Game Theory • Fall 2021 ### Ryan Safner
Assistant Professor of Economics
--- class: inverse # Outline ### [Games in Normal Form](#3) ### [Dominance-Solvability](#10) ### [Best-Response](#55) ### [Depicting Three Player Games](#68) --- class: inverse, center, middle # Simultaneous Games --- # Simultaneous Games .pull-left[ .smaller[ - Players must make choices simultaneously, but under .hi-purple[strategic uncertainty] - Don't know which strategies other players are playing before you choose yours - *Possible* strategic choices and payoffs of each outcome to each player *are* known by all players - Must think not only about own best strategic choice, but also the best strategic choice of *other* player(s) ] ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- # Flat Tire Story .center[  ] --- # Games in Normal Form .pull-left[ .smallest[ - .hi[Normal] or .hi[strategic form] - By convention .hi-red[Row Player] is Player 1, .hi-blue[Column player] is Player 2 - First payoff in a cell goes to .hi-red[Row], second to .hi-blue[Column] - But order doesn’t matter (!) - Dimensions of matrix - Rows: possible strategies available to .hi-red[Row] - Columns: possible strategies available to .hi-blue[Column] - For now, we only look at .hi-purple[discrete] strategies (and a single decision per player) ] ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- # Nash Equilibrium, Again .pull-left[ - Again, in a .hi-purple[Nash equilibrium], no player wants to change strategies given the strategies played by all other players - Equivalently, each player is playing a best response to other players' strategies - Today we will learn **several methods** to search for Nash equilibria in simultaneous games ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- # Cell-by-Cell Inspection .pull-left[ - Consider again the .hi-purple[prisoners' dilemma] - Consider each outcome and ask, **does _any_ player want to change strategies, _given what the other player is doing_?** 1. (.red[C], .blue[C]) 2. (.red[C], .blue[D]) 3. (.red[D], .blue[C]) 4. (.red[D], .blue[D]) ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- # Cell-by-Cell Inspection .pull-left[ - Consider again the .hi-purple[prisoners' dilemma] - Consider each outcome and ask, **does _any_ player want to change strategies, _given what the other player is doing_?** 1. (.red[C], .blue[C]) ✅ 2. (.red[C], .blue[D]) ✅ 3. (.red[D], .blue[C]) ✅ 4. (.red[D], .blue[D]) ❌ - .hi-turquoise[If no player wants to switch strategies (given the others’), that outcome is a Nash equilibrium]: (.red[D], .blue[D]) ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- class: inverse, center, middle # Dominance Solvability --- # Dominance Solvability .pull-left[ - One efficient (but not foolproof) method for finding solution: search for .hi-purple[dominated strategies] and eliminate them - like pruning branches of a sequential game tree ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- # Dominance Solvability .pull-left[ - A player has a .hi-purple[dominant strategy] when it yields a *higher* payoff than *all other* strategies available, regardless of what strategy the other player is playing - A player has a .hi-purple[dominated strategy] when it yields a *lower* payoff than *all other* strategies available, regardless of what strategy the other player is playing ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- # Dominance Solvability .pull-left[ - Consider the .hi[prisoners' dilemma] ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- # Dominance Solvability .pull-left[ - Consider the .hi[prisoners' dilemma] - For .hi-red[Player 1]... ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- # Dominance Solvability .pull-left[ - Consider the .hi[prisoners' dilemma] - For .hi-red[Player 1]... ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- # Dominance Solvability .pull-left[ - Consider the .hi[prisoners' dilemma] - For .hi-red[Player 1]... ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- # Dominance Solvability .pull-left[ - Consider the .hi[prisoners' dilemma] - For .hi-red[Player 1]... ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- # Dominance Solvability .pull-left[ - Consider the .hi[prisoners' dilemma] - For .hi-red[Player 1]: .red[Cooperate] is .hi-purple[dominated] by .red[Defect] - `\(u_1(\color{red}{D}, \color{blue}{C}) \succ u_1(\color{red}{C}, \color{blue}{C})\)` - `\(u_1(\color{red}{D}, \color{blue}{D}) \succ u_1(\color{red}{C}, \color{blue}{D})\)` ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- # Dominance Solvability .pull-left[ - Consider the .hi[prisoners' dilemma] - For .hi-red[Player 1]: .red[Cooperate] is .hi-purple[dominated] by .red[Defect] - `\(u_1(\color{red}{D}, \color{blue}{C}) \succ u_1(\color{red}{C}, \color{blue}{C})\)` - `\(u_1(\color{red}{D}, \color{blue}{D}) \succ u_1(\color{red}{C}, \color{blue}{D})\)` - Knowing .hi-red[Player 1] will **never** play .red[Cooperate], we can delete that entire row from the game ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- # Dominance Solvability .pull-left[ - Consider the .hi[prisoners' dilemma] - For .hi-red[Player 1]: .red[Cooperate] is .hi-purple[dominated] by .red[Defect] - `\(u_1(\color{red}{D}, \color{blue}{C}) \succ u_1(\color{red}{C}, \color{blue}{C})\)` - `\(u_1(\color{red}{D}, \color{blue}{D}) \succ u_1(\color{red}{C}, \color{blue}{D})\)` - Knowing .hi-red[Player 1] will **never** play .red[Cooperate], we can delete that entire row from the game - .hi-blue[Player 2]’s best response to .red[Defect] is to .blue[Defect] ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- # Dominance Solvability .pull-left[ - Alternatively, we could consider .hi-blue[Player 2] ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- # Dominance Solvability .pull-left[ - Alternatively, we could consider .hi-blue[Player 2] - For .hi-blue[Player 2]... ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- # Dominance Solvability .pull-left[ - Alternatively, we could consider .hi-blue[Player 2] - For .hi-blue[Player 2]... ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- # Dominance Solvability .pull-left[ - Alternatively, we could consider .hi-blue[Player 2] - For .hi-blue[Player 2]... ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- # Dominance Solvability .pull-left[ - Alternatively, we could consider .hi-blue[Player 2] - For .hi-blue[Player 2]... ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- # Dominance Solvability .pull-left[ - Alternatively, we could consider .hi-blue[Player 2] - For .hi-blue[Player 2]: .blue[Cooperate] is .hi-purple[dominated] by .blue[Defect] - `\(u_2(\color{red}{C}, \color{blue}{D}) \succ u_2(\color{red}{C}, \color{blue}{C})\)` - `\(u_2(\color{red}{D}, \color{blue}{D}) \succ u_2(\color{red}{D}, \color{blue}{C})\)` ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- # Dominance Solvability .pull-left[ - Alternatively, we could consider .hi-blue[Player 2] - For .hi-blue[Player 2]: .blue[Cooperate] is .hi-purple[dominated] by .blue[Defect] - `\(u_2(\color{red}{C}, \color{blue}{D}) \succ u_2(\color{red}{C}, \color{blue}{C})\)` - `\(u_2(\color{red}{D}, \color{blue}{D}) \succ u_2(\color{red}{D}, \color{blue}{C})\)` - Knowing .hi-blue[Player 2] will **never** play .blue[Cooperate], we can delete that entire column from the game ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- # Dominance Solvability .pull-left[ - Alternatively, we could consider .hi-blue[Player 2] - For .hi-blue[Player 2]: .blue[Cooperate] is .hi-purple[dominated] by .blue[Defect] - `\(u_2(\color{red}{C}, \color{blue}{D}) \succ u_2(\color{red}{C}, \color{blue}{C})\)` - `\(u_2(\color{red}{D}, \color{blue}{D}) \succ u_2(\color{red}{D}, \color{blue}{C})\)` - Knowing .hi-blue[Player 2] will **never** play .blue[Cooperate], we can delete that entire column from the game - .hi-red[Player 1]’s best response to .blue[Defect] is to .red[Defect] ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- # Dominance Solvability .pull-left[ - Take the **prisoners’ dilemma** - .hi-purple[Nash Equilibrium]: (.hi-red[Defect], .hi-blue[Defect]) - neither player has an incentive to change strategy, *given the other's strategy* - Why can’t they both **cooperate**? - A clear .hi-purple[Pareto improvement]! ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- # Pareto Efficiency and Games .pull-left[ - Main feature of prisoners’ dilemma: the Nash equilibrium is Pareto inferior to another outcome (.hi-red[Cooperate], .hi-blue[Cooperate])! - But that outcome is *not* a Nash equilibrium! - Dominant strategies to **Defect** - How can we ever get rational cooperation? ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- # When One Player Has a Dominant Strategy .pull-left[ - .hi-red[Congress] determines fiscal policy - Can tax & spend to .red[Balance Budget] - Can tax & spend to run a .red[Budget Deficit] - Constant political pressure to spend more & tax less - May raise possibility of inflation ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- # When One Player Has a Dominant Strategy .pull-left[ - .hi-blue[Federal Reserve] determines monetary policy - Can target .blue[Low Interest Rates] - Can target .blue[High Interest Rates] - Generally wants to avoid inflation - Likes keeping interest rates low to stimulate Demand (if no threat of inflation) ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- # When One Player Has a Dominant Strategy .pull-left[ - Both players choose policy simultaneously and independently of each other - How to find the equilibrium of this game? ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- # When One Player Has a Dominant Strategy .pull-left[ - Both players choose policy simultaneously and independently of each other - How to find the equilibrium of this game? - Does the .hi-blue[Fed] have a dominant strategy? ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- # When One Player Has a Dominant Strategy .pull-left[ - Both players choose policy simultaneously and independently of each other - How to find the equilibrium of this game? - Does the .hi-blue[Fed] have a dominant strategy? - Does .hi-red[Congress]? ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- # When One Player Has a Dominant Strategy .pull-left[ - Both players choose policy simultaneously and independently of each other - How to find the equilibrium of this game? - Does the .hi-blue[Fed] have a dominant strategy? - Does .hi-red[Congress]? - Given this, how will .hi-blue[Fed] choose? ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- # Successive Elimination of Dominated Strategies .pull-left[ - What about the following game? ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- # Successive Elimination of Dominated Strategies .pull-left[ - What about the following game? - Hint: Do any of .hi-red[Row]'s strategies *always* yield a lower payoff than another strategy? ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- # Successive Elimination of Dominated Strategies .pull-left[ - What about the following game? - Hint: Do any of .hi-red[Row]'s strategies *always* yield a lower payoff than another strategy? - .red[Down] is dominated by .red[Right] ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- # Successive Elimination of Dominated Strategies .pull-left[ - What about the following game? - Hint: Do any of .hi-red[Row]'s strategies *always* yield a lower payoff than another strategy? - .red[Down] is dominated by .red[Right] - Remove this row, since .hi-red[Row] will never play .red[Down] ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- # Successive Elimination of Dominated Strategies .pull-left[ - Keep searching for dominated strategies... - Hint: Do any of .hi-blue[Column]'s strategies *always* yield a lower payoff than another strategy? ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- # Successive Elimination of Dominated Strategies .pull-left[ - Keep searching for dominated strategies... - Hint: Do any of .hi-blue[Column]'s strategies *always* yield a lower payoff than another strategy? - .blue[Left] is dominated by .blue[Right] - Remove this column, since .hi-blue[Column] will never play .blue[Left] ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- # Successive Elimination of Dominated Strategies .pull-left[ - Keep searching for dominated strategies... ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- # Successive Elimination of Dominated Strategies .pull-left[ - Keep searching for dominated strategies... - For .hi-red[Row], .red[Left] dominates *both* .red[Up] and .red[Right] - Delete both .red[Up] and .red[Right] since .hi-red[Row] will never play them ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- # Successive Elimination of Dominated Strategies .pull-left[ - Keep searching for dominated strategies... - Since .hi-red[Row] will play .red[Left], .hi-blue[Column]'s best response is to play .blue[Middle] ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- # Successive Elimination of Dominated Strategies .pull-left[ - We've found the .hi-purple[Nash Equilibrium]: (.red[Left], .blue[Middle]) - Check that it's truly an equilibrium - Does .hi-red[Row] want to change from .red[Left], given .hi-blue[Column] is playing .blue[Middle]? - Does .hi-blue[Column] want to change from .blue[Middle], given .hi-red[Row] is playing .red[Left]? ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- # Successive Elimination of Dominated Strategies .pull-left[ - If .hi-purple[successive elimination of dominated strategies] yields a unique outcome, then the game is .hi[“dominance solvable”] - Not all games can be solved this way! ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- # You Try .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- # Eliminating Dominated Strategies: Not Foolproof .pull-left[ - What about ties? ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- # Eliminating Dominated Strategies: Not Foolproof .pull-left[ - What about ties? - For .hi-red[Row], .red[A] is .hi-purple[“weakly” dominated] by .red[B] - If .hi-blue[Column] plays .blue[A], then playing .red[B] is strictly better than .red[A] for .hi-red[Row] - If .hi-blue[Column] plays .blue[B], then playing .red[B] is at least as good `\((\succsim)\)` as .red[A] for .hi-red[Row] ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- # Eliminating Dominated Strategies: Not Foolproof .pull-left[ - What about ties? - Same for .hi-blue[Column]: .blue[A] is .hi-purple[“weakly” dominated] by .blie[B] - If .hi-red[Row] plays .red[A], then playing .blue[B] is strictly better than .blue[A] for .hi-blue[Column] - If .hi-red[Row] plays .red[B], then playing .blue[B] is at least as good `\((\succsim)\)` as .blue[A] for .hi-blue[Column] ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- # Eliminating Dominated Strategies: Not Foolproof .pull-left[ - Successive elimination of **_weakly_** dominated strategies implies deleting **A** for both players - Predicted .hi-purple[Nash Equilibrium]: (.red[B], .blue[B]) ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- # Eliminating Dominated Strategies: Not Foolproof .pull-left[ - Successive elimination of **_weakly_** dominated strategies implies deleting **A** for both players - Predicted .hi-purple[Nash Equilibrium]: (.red[B], .blue[B]) ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- # Eliminating Dominated Strategies: Not Foolproof .pull-left[ - Successive elimination of **_weakly_** dominated strategies implies deleting **A** for both players - Predicted .hi-purple[Nash Equilibrium]: (.red[B], .blue[B]) - But (.red[A], .blue[B]) and (.red[B], .blue[A]) are **also** Nash equilibria! - Check for yourself - .hi-turquoise[So we can only rule out *strictly* dominated strategies!] ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- class: inverse, center, middle # Best Response Analysis --- # Best Response Analysis .pull-left[ - Consider this game again, and check for each player’s .hi-purple[best response] to each of the other player's strategies ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- # Best Response Analysis .pull-left[ - Consider .hi-red[Row] - If .hi-blue[Column] plays .blue[Left] ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- # Best Response Analysis .pull-left[ - Consider .hi-red[Row] - If .hi-blue[Column] plays .blue[Left], best response is .red[Right] ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- # Best Response Analysis .pull-left[ - Consider .hi-red[Row] - If .hi-blue[Column] plays .blue[Left], best response is .red[Right] - If .hi-blue[Column] plays .blue[Middle], best response is .red[Left] ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- # Best Response Analysis .pull-left[ - Consider .hi-red[Row] - If .hi-blue[Column] plays .blue[Left], best response is .red[Right] - If .hi-blue[Column] plays .blue[Middle], best response is .red[Left] - If .hi-blue[Column] plays .blue[Right], best response is .red[Left] ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- # Best Response Analysis .pull-left[ - Consider .hi-blue[Column] - If .hi-red[Row] plays .red[Up] ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- # Best Response Analysis .pull-left[ - Consider .hi-blue[Column] - If .hi-red[Row] plays .red[Up], best response is .blue[Middle] ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- # Best Response Analysis .pull-left[ - Consider .hi-blue[Column] - If .hi-red[Row] plays .red[Up], best response is .blue[Middle] - If .hi-red[Row] plays .red[Down], best response is .blue[Left] ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- # Best Response Analysis .pull-left[ - Consider .hi-blue[Column] - If .hi-red[Row] plays .red[Up], best response is .blue[Middle] - If .hi-red[Row] plays .red[Down], best response is .blue[Left] - If .hi-red[Row] plays .red[Left], best response is .blue[Middle] ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- # Best Response Analysis .pull-left[ - Consider .hi-blue[Column] - If .hi-red[Row] plays .red[Up], best response is .blue[Middle] - If .hi-red[Row] plays .red[Down], best response is .blue[Left] - If .hi-red[Row] plays .red[Left], best response is .blue[Middle] - If .hi-red[Row] plays .red[Right], best response is .blue[Right] ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- # Best Response Analysis .pull-left[ - Highlighted all best responses for each player, shows us the .hi-purple[Nash Equilibrium]: (.red[Left], .blue[Middle]) - In a Nash equilibrium, .hi-purple[all players are playing a best response to each other's strategies] - A more tedious process, but foolproof ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- # Best Response Analysis Permits Ties .pull-left[ .smallest[ - For .hi-red[Row] in this game: - If .hi-blue[Column] plays .blue[A], .hi-red[Row]'s best response is .red[B] - If .hi-blue[Column] plays .blue[B], .red[A] and .red[B] are both best responses - Symmetrically for .hi-blue[Column] - Finds all three Nash equilibria (in each, both players play a best response) 1. (.red[B], .blue[A]) 2. (.red[A], .blue[B]) 3. (.red[B], .blue[B]) ] ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- class: inverse, center, middle # Depicting Three Player Games --- # Depicting Three Player Games .center[  ] - Represent .hi-purple[ABC]'s choice across two matrices - Three payoffs for each outcome: (.red[CBS], .blue[NBC], .purple[ABC]) - Let's first try solving by searching for dominated strategies... -- - .purple[Game Show] is dominated by .purple[Sitcom] for .hi-purple[ABC], so delete it --- # Depicting Three Player Games  - Keep searching -- - .blue[Sitcom] is dominated by .blue[Game Show] for .hi-blue[NBC], so delete it --- # Depicting Three Player Games  - Keep searching -- - .hi-red[Sitcom] is dominated by .red[Game Show] for .hi-red[CBS], so delete it --- # Depicting Three Player Games  - .hi-purple[Nash Equilibrium]: (.red[Game Show], .blue[Game Show], .purple[Sitcom]) --- # Depicting Three Player Games .center[  ] - .hi-purple[Nash Equilibrium]: (.red[Game Show], .blue[Game Show], .purple[Sitcom]) -- - Now let's try using best response analysis instead --- # Depicting Three Player Games .center[  ] - Start with .hi-red[CBS] - If .hi-blue[NBC] chooses .blue[Sitcom] and .hi-purple[ABC] chooses .purple[Sitcom] --- # Depicting Three Player Games .center[  ] - Start with .hi-red[CBS] - If .hi-blue[NBC] chooses .blue[Sitcom] and .hi-purple[ABC] chooses .purple[Sitcom], .hi-red[CBS]' BR: .red[Sitcom] --- # Depicting Three Player Games .center[  ] - Start with .hi-red[CBS] - If .hi-blue[NBC] chooses .blue[Sitcom] and .hi-purple[ABC] chooses .purple[Sitcom], .hi-red[CBS]' BR: .red[Sitcom] - If .hi-blue[NBC] chooses .blue[Game Show] and .hi-purple[ABC] chooses .purple[Sitcom], .hi-red[CBS]' BR: .red[Game Show] --- # Depicting Three Player Games .center[  ] - Start with .hi-red[CBS] - If .hi-blue[NBC] chooses .blue[Sitcom] and .hi-purple[ABC] chooses .purple[Sitcom], .hi-red[CBS]' BR: .red[Sitcom] - If .hi-blue[NBC] chooses .blue[Game Show] and .hi-purple[ABC] chooses .purple[Sitcom], .hi-red[CBS]' BR: .red[Game Show] - If .hi-blue[NBC] chooses .blue[Sitcom] and .hi-purple[ABC] chooses .purple[Game Show], .hi-red[CBS]' BR: .red[Game Show] --- # Depicting Three Player Games .center[  ] - Start with .hi-red[CBS] - If .hi-blue[NBC] chooses .blue[Sitcom] and .hi-purple[ABC] chooses .purple[Sitcom], .hi-red[CBS]' BR: .red[Sitcom] - If .hi-blue[NBC] chooses .blue[Game Show] and .hi-purple[ABC] chooses .purple[Sitcom], .hi-red[CBS]' BR: .red[Game Show] - If .hi-blue[NBC] chooses .blue[Sitcom] and .hi-purple[ABC] chooses .purple[Game Show], .hi-red[CBS]' BR: .red[Game Show] - If .hi-blue[NBC] chooses .blue[Game Show] and .hi-purple[ABC] chooses .purple[Game Show], .hi-red[CBS]' BR: .red[Sitcom] --- # Depicting Three Player Games .center[  ] - Now consider .hi-blue[NBC] --- # Depicting Three Player Games .center[  ] - Now consider .hi-blue[NBC] - If .hi-red[CBS] chooses .red[Sitcom] and .hi-purple[ABC] chooses .purple[Sitcom], .hi-blue[NBC]'s BR: .blue[Game Show] --- # Depicting Three Player Games .center[  ] - Now consider .hi-blue[NBC] - If .hi-red[CBS] chooses .red[Sitcom] and .hi-purple[ABC] chooses .purple[Sitcom], .hi-blue[NBC]'s BR: .blue[Game Show] - If .hi-red[CBS] chooses .red[Game Show] and .hi-purple[ABC] chooses .purple[Sitcom], .hi-blue[NBC]'s BR: .blue[Game Show] --- # Depicting Three Player Games .center[  ] - Now consider .hi-blue[NBC] - If .hi-red[CBS] chooses .red[Sitcom] and .hi-purple[ABC] chooses .purple[Sitcom], .hi-blue[NBC]'s BR: .blue[Game Show] - If .hi-red[CBS] chooses .red[Game Show] and .hi-purple[ABC] chooses .purple[Sitcom], .hi-blue[NBC]'s BR: .blue[Game Show] - If .hi-red[CBS] chooses .red[Sitcom] and .hi-purple[ABC] chooses .purple[Game Show], .hi-blue[NBC]'s BR: .blue[Game Show] --- # Depicting Three Player Games .center[  ] - Now consider .hi-blue[NBC] - If .hi-red[CBS] chooses .red[Sitcom] and .hi-purple[ABC] chooses .purple[Sitcom], .hi-blue[NBC]'s BR: .blue[Game Show] - If .hi-red[CBS] chooses .red[Game Show] and .hi-purple[ABC] chooses .purple[Sitcom], .hi-blue[NBC]'s BR: .blue[Game Show] - If .hi-red[CBS] chooses .red[Sitcom] and .hi-purple[ABC] chooses .purple[Game Show], .hi-blue[NBC]'s BR: .blue[Game Show] - If .hi-red[CBS] chooses .red[Game Show] and .hi-purple[ABC] chooses .purple[Game Show], .hi-blue[NBC]'s BR: .blue[Game Show] --- # Depicting Three Player Games .center[  ] - Finally consider .hi-purple[ABC] --- # Depicting Three Player Games .center[  ] - Finally consider .hi-purple[ABC] - If .hi-red[CBS] chooses .red[Sitcom] and .hi-blue[NBC] chooses .blue[Sitcom], .hi-purple[ABC]'s BR: .purple[Sitcom] --- # Depicting Three Player Games .center[  ] - Finally consider .hi-purple[ABC] - If .hi-red[CBS] chooses .red[Sitcom] and .hi-blue[NBC] chooses .blue[Sitcom], .hi-purple[ABC]'s BR: .purple[Sitcom] - If .hi-red[CBS] chooses .red[Game Show] and .hi-blue[NBC] chooses .blue[Sitcom], .hi-purple[ABC]'s BR: .purple[Sitcom] --- # Depicting Three Player Games .center[  ] - Finally consider .hi-purple[ABC] - If .hi-red[CBS] chooses .red[Sitcom] and .hi-blue[NBC] chooses .blue[Sitcom], .hi-purple[ABC]'s BR: .purple[Sitcom] - If .hi-red[CBS] chooses .red[Game Show] and .hi-blue[NBC] chooses .blue[Sitcom], .hi-purple[ABC]'s BR: .purple[Sitcom] - If .hi-red[CBS] chooses .red[Sitcom] and .hi-blue[NBC] chooses .blue[Game Show], .hi-purple[ABC]'s BR: .purple[Sitcom] --- # Depicting Three Player Games .center[  ] - Finally consider .hi-purple[ABC] - If .hi-red[CBS] chooses .red[Sitcom] and .hi-blue[NBC] chooses .blue[Sitcom], .hi-purple[ABC]'s BR: .purple[Sitcom] - If .hi-red[CBS] chooses .red[Game Show] and .hi-blue[NBC] chooses .blue[Sitcom], .hi-purple[ABC]'s BR: .purple[Sitcom] - If .hi-red[CBS] chooses .red[Sitcom] and .hi-blue[NBC] chooses .blue[Game Show], .hi-purple[ABC]'s BR: .purple[Sitcom] - If .hi-red[CBS] chooses .red[Game Show] and .hi-blue[NBC] chooses .blue[Game Show], .hi-purple[ABC]'s BR: .purple[Sitcom] --- # Depicting Three Player Games .center[  ] - .hi-purple[Nash Equilibrium]: (.red[Game Show], .blue[Game Show], .purple[Sitcom]) --- # Summary of Methods of Finding Nash Eq. .smallest[ Ranked from (most to least) effective and (most to least) tedious: 1. .hi-purple[Cell-by-cell inspection] - For each outcome, ask: would any player like to change strategy given others' strategies? - Every outcome where all players answer “NO” is a Nash equilibrium 2. .hi-purple[Best response analysis] - For each possible strategy of *other* players, what is a player's best response? - If **all** players are playing a best response in an outcome, that's a Nash equilibrium 3. .hi-purple[Successive elimination of dominated strategies] - Eliminate (dominated) strategies players will never play - If a single strategy remains for each player, that's the Nash equilibrium - Ties cause you to rule out potential Nash equilibria! ]