class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # 4.1 — Subgame Perfection ## ECON 316 • Game Theory • Fall 2021 ### Ryan Safner
Assistant Professor of Economics
--- class: inverse # Outline ### [Subgame Perfection](#3) ### [Subgames](#9) ### [Entry Game Example](#27) ### [Strategic Moves](#40) --- class: inverse, center, middle # Subgame Perfection --- # A Motivating Example .pull-left[ - Suppose I announce that if any of you were late, I would give you an F - If you believe my threat, you will arrive on time, and I never have to carry out my threat - *Sounds* like a Nash equilibrium: - I get what I want at no cost to me - You prefer being in class on time to failing - Nobody wants to change ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- # A Motivating Example .pull-left[ - Implausible prediction: I would not actually want to carry out my threat if it came to it! - Big confrontation, you could complain to Dept. chair, Provost, etc - A problem of “out-of-equilibrium” play - How can a threat *I will never carry out* change your behavior? - I can optimally choose bizarre behavior in situations I know will never happen! ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- # A Motivating Example .pull-left[ - BUT: if you know what *would* happen in those unlikely scenarios, that *does* affect your behavior for things that *normally* happen - namely, if you know I will not *actually* fail you for coming late, you will sometimes come late ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- # Motivating Example .pull-left[ - This lesson is about the effects of .hi[threats] and .hi[promises] - Must learn another major refinement of Nash equilibrium - First, return to seqential games - Continue with assumption of perfect information (soon we will consider imperfect information) ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- # Motivating Example .pull-left[ - A new solution concept: - .hi[Subgame perfect Nash equilibrium (SPNE)]: selects only Nash equilibria sustained by .hi-purple[credible] threats and promises, and rules out *non-credible* threats/promises - Formal definition: a set of strategies is **SP** if it induces a Nash equilibrium in *every subgame* of a game - First, let’s understand what we mean by “subgame” ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- class: inverse, center, middle # Subgames --- # Subgames .pull-left[ - A .hi[subgame] is any portion of a game that contains one initial note and all of its successor nodes - e.g. .hi-turquoise[any decision node initiates its own subgame] through to the terminal nodes - The game itself counts as a subgame - Idea: analyze a subgame as a game itself and .hi-turquoise[ignore any history] in the overall game and .hi-turquoise[find what is optimal in each subgame] ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- # Subgames: Example .pull-left[ - In this example, there are 3 subgames: 1. The full game itself (initiated by .red[Player 1]'s decision node .red[1.1]) 2. Subgame initiated by .blue[Player 2's] decision node .blue[2.1] 3. Subgame initiated by .blue[Player 2's] decision node .blue[2.2] ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- # Aside: Subgames Can't Break Information Sets .pull-left[ .smaller[ - Subgames cannot “break” .hi-purple[information sets] - Indicated by dashed line: .blue[Player 2] does not know what .red[Player 1] chose (consider it a simultaneous game) - More on information later - Players must *know which* subgame they are in, so a subgame cannot “break” an information set - .blue[Player 2] here would not know what .red[Player 1] did, so .red[Player 1] can’t make a decision; could not “ignore history” ] ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- # (Review) Strategies in this Example .pull-left[ .smallest[ - Recall we defined a .hi[strategy] as a complete plan of what a player will do at *every* decision node they (might) face - .red[Player 1] has 1 decision (.red[1.1]) with 2 choices, so `\(2^1\)` possible strategies: 1. .red[X] at (.red[1.1]) 2. .red[Y] at (.red[1.1]) ] ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- # (Review) Strategies in this Example .pull-left[ .smallest[ - Recall we defined a .hi[strategy] as a complete plan of what a player will do at *every* decision node they (might) face - .red[Player 1] has 1 decision (.red[1.1]) with 2 choices, so `\(2^1\)` possible strategies: 1. .red[X] at (.red[1.1]) 2. .red[Y] at (.red[1.1]) - .blue[Player 2] has 2 decision (.blue[2.1], .blue[2.2]) with 2 choices at each, so `\(2^2\)` possible strategies: 1. .blue[A] at (.red[2.1]); .blue[C] at (2.2) 2. .blue[A] at (.red[2.1]); .blue[D] at (2.2) 3. .blue[B] at (.red[2.1]); .blue[C] at (2.2) 4. .blue[B] at (.red[2.1]); .blue[D] at (2.2) ] ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- # Converting Between Sequential and Normal Form .pull-left[ - We can convert any sequential game in extended form (game tree) into a normal game (payoff matrix) - Harder to go the other way around! ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- # Converting Between Sequential and Normal Form .pull-left[ - We can convert any sequential game in extended form (game tree) into a normal game (payoff matrix) - Harder to go the other way around! - Payoff matrix of outcomes of all possible combinations of strategies for each player ] .pull-right[ .center[   ] ] --- # Converting Between Sequential and Normal Form .pull-left[ - Solve the normal form for Nash equilibria ] .pull-right[ .center[   ] ] --- # Converting Between Sequential and Normal Form .pull-left[ - Nash equilibria: 1. {.red[Y], .blue[(A,D)]} 2. {.red[X], .blue[(B,C)]} 3. {.red[X], .blue[(B,D)]} ] .pull-right[ .center[   ] ] --- # Converting Between Sequential and Normal Form .pull-left[ - Nash equilibria: 1. {.red[Y], .blue[(A,D)]} 2. {.red[X], .blue[(B,C)]} 3. {.red[X], .blue[(B,D)]} - But remember, this is a sequential game! Which of these Nash equilibria is .hi[sequentially-rational]? ] .pull-right[ .center[   ] ] --- # Rollback Equilibrium .pull-left[ - Solve for rollback equilibrium via backwards induction - A process of considering .hi-purple[“sequential rationality”]: > “If I play x, my opponent will respond with y; given their response, do I really want to play x? ...” ] .pull-right[ .center[   ] ] --- # Converting Between Sequential and Normal Form .pull-left[ - Nash equilibria: 1. {.red[Y], .blue[(A,D)]} 2. {.red[X], .blue[(B,C)]} 3. {.red[X], .blue[(B,D)]} - .hi-purple[Rollback equilibrium:] {.red[X], .blue[(B,D)]} ] .pull-right[ .center[   ] ] --- # Converting Between Sequential and Normal Form .pull-left[ - Nash equilibria: 1. {.red[Y], .blue[(A,D)]} 2. {.red[X], .blue[(B,C)]} 3. {.red[X], .blue[(B,D)]} - Even though there are three Nash equilibria, only one is .hi-purple[subgame perfect] - .red[Player 1] and .blue[Player 2] are playing {.red[X], .blue[(B,D)]} respectively causes a .hi-turquoise[Nash equilibrium in .ul[every] subgame] ] .pull-right[ .center[   ] ] --- # Converting Between Sequential and Normal Form .pull-left[ - Nash equilibria: 1. {.red[Y], .blue[(A,D)]} 2. {.red[X], .blue[(B,C)]} 3. {.red[X], .blue[(B,D)]} .smallest[ - Consider the first NE: {.red[Y], .blue[(A,D)]} - Not on the equilibrium path of play - Not sequentially rational: if .red[Player 1] had played .red[X] (for whatever reason), .blue[Player 2] would want to switch from playing .blue[A] to playing .blue[B] at .blue[2.1]! - Thus, this strategy is not a NE in subgame initiated at node .blue[2.1] (.blue[Player 2] would want to change strategies) ] ] .pull-right[ .center[   ] ] --- # Converting Between Sequential and Normal Form .pull-left[ - Nash equilibria: 1. {.red[Y], .blue[(A,D)]} 2. {.red[X], .blue[(B,C)]} 3. {.red[X], .blue[(B,D)]} .smallest[ - Consider the second NE: {.red[X], .blue[(B,C)]} - Not on the equilibrium path of play - Not sequentially rational: if .red[Player 1] had played .red[Y] (for whatever reason), .blue[Player 2] would want to switch from playing .blue[C] to playing .blue[D] at .blue[2.2]! - Thus, this strategy is not a NE in subgame initiated at node .blue[2.2] (.blue[Player 2] would want to change strategies) ] ] .pull-right[ .center[   ] ] --- # Converting Between Sequential and Normal Form .pull-left[ - Nash equilibria: 1. {.red[Y], .blue[(A,D)]} 2. {.red[X], .blue[(B,C)]} 3. {.red[X], .blue[(B,D)]} .smallest[ - Consider the third NE: {.red[X], .blue[(B,D)]} - On the equilibrium path of play - Sequentially rational: these strategies lead to a NE in *every* subgame! - Conveniently: .hi-turquoise[the “rollback equilibrium” is always subgame perfect] ] ] .pull-right[ .center[   ] ] --- # Converting Between Sequential and Normal Form .pull-left[ - Subgame perfection rules out .hi-purple[non-credible threats or promises] - Depending on context, .blue[Player 2] might threaten/promise that they will play .blue[C] if .red[Player 1] plays .red[Y] - But if that subgame were reached, .blue[Player 2] would *not* play .blue[C], they would want to play .blue[D]! - i.e. not a credible claim ] .pull-right[ .center[   ] ] --- class: inverse, center, middle # Entry Game Example --- # Entry Game: Extensive Form .pull-left[ - Consider an .hi[Entry Game], a .hi-purple[sequential] game played between a potential .hi-red[Entrant] and an .hi-blue[Incumbent] ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- # Entry Game: (Pure) Strategies .pull-left[ - .hi-red[Entrant] has 2 pure strategies: 1. .red[Stay Out] at .red[E.1] 2. .red[Enter] at .red[E.1] - .hi-blue[Incumbent] has 2 pure strategies: 1. .blue[Accommodate] at .blue[I.1] 2. .blue[Fight] at .blue[I.1] ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- # Entry Game: Backward Induction .pull-left[ - .hi-purple[Rollback/Subgame Perfect Nash Equilibrium]: .center[ (.hi-red[Enter], .hi-blue[Accommodate]) ] ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- # Entry Game: Normal vs. Extensive Form .pull-left[ - Convert this game to Normal form - Note, if .hi-red[Entrant] plays .red[Stay Out], doesn't matter what .hi-blue[Incumbent] plays, payoffs are the same - Solve this for Nash Equilibria... ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- # Entry Game: Normal vs. Extensive Form .pull-left[ - Two Nash Equilibria: 1. (.hi-red[Enter], .hi-blue[Accommodate]) 2. (.hi-red[Stay Out], .hi-blue[Fight]) - But remember, we ignored the *sequential* nature of this game in normal form - Which Nash equilibrium is **sequentially rational?** ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- # Entry Game: Subgames .pull-left[ 1. Subgame initiated at decision node .hi-red[E.1] (i.e. the full game) 2. Subgame initiated at decision node .hi-blue[I.1] ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- # Entry Game: Subgame Perfect Nash Equilibrium .pull-left[ - Consider each subgame as a game itself and ignore the .hi-purple[“history”] of play that got a to that subgame - What is optimal to play in *that* subgame? - Consider a set of strategies that is optimal for all players in *every* subgame it reaches - That is a .hi[subgame perfect Nash equilibrium] ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- # Entry Game: Subgame Perfect Nash Equilibrium .pull-left[ - Recall our two Nash Equilibria from normal form: 1. (.hi-red[Enter], .hi-blue[Accommodate]) 2. (.hi-red[Stay Out], .hi-blue[Fight]) ] .pull-right[ .center[   ] ] --- # Entry Game: Subgame Perfect Nash Equilibrium .pull-left[ - Recall our two Nash Equilibria from normal form: 1. (.hi-red[Enter], .hi-blue[Accommodate]) 2. (.hi-red[Stay Out], .hi-blue[Fight]) - Consider the second set of strategies, where .hi-blue[Incumbent] chooses to .blue[Fight] at node .blue[I.1] - What if for some reason, .hi-blue[Incumbent] is playing this strategy, and .hi-red[Entrant] unexpectedly plays .red[Enter]? ] .pull-right[ .center[   ] ] --- # Entry Game: Subgame Perfect Nash Equilibrium .pull-left[ - It's **not rational** for .hi-blue[Incumbent] to play .blue[Fight] if the game reaches .blue[I.1]! - Would want to switch to .blue[Accommodate]! - .hi-blue[Incumbent] playing .hi-blue[Fight] at .blue[I.1] is **not a Nash Equilibrium in this subgame!** - Thus, Nash Equilibrium (.hi-red[Stay Out], .hi-blue[Fight]) is **not sequentially rational** - It *is* still a Nash equilibrium! ] .pull-right[ .center[   ] ] --- # Entry Game: Subgame Perfect Nash Equilibrium .pull-left[ - Only (.hi-red[Enter], .hi-blue[Accommodate]) is a .hi-purple[Subgame Perfect Nash Equilibrium (SPNE)] - These strategy profiles for each player constitute a Nash equilibrium in every possible subgame! - Simple connection: rollback equilibrium is always SPNE! ] .pull-right[ .center[   ] ] --- # Entry Game: SPNE and Credibility .pull-left[ - Suppose before the game started, .hi-blue[Incumbent] announced to .hi-red[Entrant] > “if you .red[Enter], I will .blue[Fight]!” - This **threat** is .hi-purple[not credible] because playing .blue[Fight] in response to .red[Enter] is not rational! - The strategy is not Subgame Perfect! ] .pull-right[ .center[   ] ] --- class: inverse, center, middle # Strategic Moves --- # Strategic Moves AKA “Game Changers” .pull-left[ .smallest[ - So far, assumed rules of the game are fixed - In many strategic situations, players have incentives to try to affect the rules of the game for their own benefit - Order, available strategies, payoffs, repetition - A .hi[strategic move] (“game changer”) is an action taken outside the rules an existing game by transforming it into a two-stage game - A strategic move is made in stage I (“pre-game” move) - A modified version of the original game is played in stage II ] ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- # Types of Strategic Moves .pull-left[ .smallest[ 1. .hi[Threats]: if other players don’t choose your preferred move, you will play in a manner that will be bad for them (in second stage) - .hi-purple[Conditional] response to other players’ actions 2. .hi[Promises]: if other players choose your preferred move, you will play in a manner that will be good for them (in second stage) - .hi-purple[Conditional] response to other players’ actions 3. .hi[Commitments]: irreversibly limit your choice of action, .hi-purple[unconditional] on other players’ actions ] ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- # Strategic Moves and Credibility .pull-left[ - Key: .hi-turquoise[threats and promises are often costly if you must carry them out against your own interest!] - If a threat works and elicits the desired behavior in others, no need to carry it out - If a promise elicits the desired behavior in others, cost of performing the promise ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- # Strategic Moves and Credibility .pull-left[ - For a strategic move to work, it must be: - observable to all players - irreversible so that it alters other players’ expectations - Other players must believe you will *actually do* in the second stage what you threaten/promise you will do during the first stage - .hi[Credibility] of strategic moves open to question ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- # Strategic Moves and Credibility .pull-left[ .smallest[ - Your parents probably (tried to) used strategic moves on you - “No dessert unless you eat your vegetables” - “We’ll buy you a new bike if you get a B GPA” - You may have (rightly) questioned their credibility - Most parents *don’t actually want* to punish or discipline their kids (it’s painful *to the parents*) - (An empty) threat that changes their kid’s behavior is great, but costly if it actually has to be carried out ] ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- # Non-Credibility AKA “Cheap Talk” .pull-left[ - .hi-purple[“Talk is cheap”] - Low cost to making promises/threats you don’t intend to carry out - Promises and threats .hi-turquoise[without commitment] will not change equilibrium behavior (with perfect information) - If you try to bluff in poker, and your rivals know what cards you have, they will call your bluff ] .pull-right[ .center[   ] ] --- # Non-Credibility AKA “Cheap Talk” .pull-left[ .smaller[ - Promises or threats must be .hi[incentive-compatible] to work - Threat/promise-maker must actually stand to benefit from performing the threat/promise or suffer from not performing it - In game theory terms: strategy must be .hi-purple[subgame perfect] - .hi-purple[Subgame perfection] rules out Nash equilibria relying upon non-credible threats and promises; keeps only behavior that is optimal under every circumstance! ] ] .pull-right[ .center[   ] ] --- # Credible Commitment .pull-left[ - Threats and promises can be .hi-purple[credible] with .hi[commitment] - A .hi[commitment] changes the game in a way that forces you to carry out your promise or threat - tying your own hands makes you stronger! ] .pull-right[ .center[   ] ] --- # Credible Commitment .center[  *Odysseus and the Sirens* by John William Waterhouse, Scene from Homer's *The Odyssey* ] --- # Commitments .pull-left[ - A .hi[commitment] is an action taken .hi-purple[unconditional] on other players' actions that limits your own actions - If credible, tantamount to changing the order of the game at Stage II, so that the player making the commitment moves first - Can change outcomes of following games, since it changes other players' expectations of the consequences of their own actions ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- # Simple Commitment Example in Chicken .pull-left[ - Take the game of Chicken - Both players want to act tough from the beginning and project an image that they'll never back down, so the other player must - But what makes a .hi-purple[credible commitment]? ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- # Simple Commitment Example in Chicken .pull-left[ - Only a *visible* and *irreversible* action commits .red[Row] to going straight is **credible** - rip out steering wheel - tie the steering wheel - Forces .blue[Column] to Swerve ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- # Simple Commitment Example in Chicken .center[ <iframe width="980" height="550" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe> ] --- # Simple Commitment Example in Chicken .center[ <iframe width="980" height="550" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe> ] --- # “Total Commitment” in *Dr. Strangelove* .center[ <iframe width="980" height="550" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe> ]