class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Midterm Review ## ECON 316 • Game Theory • Fall 2021 ### Ryan Safner
Assistant Professor of Economics
--- # Major Concepts I - Sequential Games (1.3) - game trees - strategy - rollback equilibrium - order advantages - Simultaneous Games (1.4) - Nash equilibrium (detection): - Successive elimination of dominated strategies - Best response - Nash equilibrium refinements (1.5): - Focal points - Pareto efficiency - Payoff dominance - Risk dominance - Rationalizability --- # Major Concepts II - Types of Games: - Constant sum game - Prisoners' dilemma - Coordination games (1.5): - (Pure) Coordination - Assurance (Stag Hunt) - Battle of the Sexes - Chicken (Hawk-Dove) --- # Major Concepts III - Economics of oligopoly (2.1-2.4) - Oligopoly as prisoners' dilemma - Cartels - problems and mechanisms to overcome - Bertrand competition - Cournot competition (& collusion) - Stackelberg competition - Contestable markets (2.5) - Mixed strategies (3.1) - Opponent indifference principle --- # Don't Worry About - Harder questions on HWs/in class (meant to challenge you in low-stakes environment): - Simultaneous games with `\(>2\)` players - Cournot competition with `\(>2\)` firms - Mixed strategies for `\(>2\)` strategies (e.g. Rock-Paper-Scissors) --- class: inverse, center, middle # Review Questions --- # Question 1 - Name several different refinements of Nash equilibrium. --- # Question 2 - Explain the differences between the three different models of oligopoly. -- - Which is most/least profitable to each firm? --- # Question 3 - What is the Nash equilibrium of a contestable market? What conditions are required for a market to be contestable? --- # Question 4 - Name the four types of coordination games and describe the major features of each. --- # Question 5 - Explain the differences between a *prisoners' dilemma* and a *stag hunt.* You can draw example payoff tables, and let each player choose between "Cooperate" and "Defect" for each game. --- # Question 6 .pull-left[ - Consider the game to the right: - Find all Nash equilibria - Which is/are Pareto efficient? - Which is/are payoff dominant? - Which is/are risk dominant? - Which outcome/s is/are rationalizable? ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- # Question 7 - Two firms are competing simultaneously over quantity, have constant marginal costs of \$0, and share the market demand `$$\begin{align*} p&=12-Q\\ Q&=q_1+q_2\\ \end{align*}$$` - Find the Cournot-Nash equilibrium profit for each firm. --- # Question 8 .pull-left[ - Find all Nash equilibria (in pure and mixed strategies) for the following game: ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ]