Please read the instructions for completing homeworks.
Question 1
What is the difference between a finitely repeated game and an infinitely repeated game? What is the pure strategy Nash equilibrium in a finitely-repeated game (with a unique Nash equilibrium in a one-shot version)? Describe two interpretations of infinitely repeated games.
Question 2
Describe, in your own words, the simple version (or implications) of the folk theorem for sustaining cooperation.
Question 3
Describe what a subgame means, and circle all subgames in the following game tree.
Question 4
Define subgame perfect Nash equilibrium.
Question 5
Explain what strategic moves are, and explain the three major types of strategic moves.
Question 6
What makes a promise credible? What makes a threat credible? Give some examples of each, and in your answers, use the concept of subgame perfection.
Question 7
What makes a strategy evolutionarily stable (ESS)? Describe the difference between monomorphic and polymorphic equilibria.
Question 8
Consider an evolutionary version of the Stag Hunt game, where members of a species can decide to cooperate and hunt a Stag together, or defect and go after a Hare on their own.
Part A
Is Stag an evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS)?
Part B
Is Hare an evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS)?
Part C
What are the pure strategy Nash equilibria (PSNE) of this game? Reconcile this with your answers in parts a and b.
Part D
Suppose the environment changes such that hunting a large Hare alone is equally rewarding to the cooperative hunt of a Stag (but if they both hunt Hare, it is less rewarding).
Under the new environment, is Hare evolutionarily stable (ESS)?
Part E
Under the new environment, is Stag evolutionarily stable (ESS)?
Part F
Given what we learned in class about the relationship between (pure strategy) Nash equilibria and evolutionarily stable strategies, we now need a new refinement. Define a strict Nash equilibrium in pure strategies to mean that each player is playing a strict (or unique) best response to other players, i.e. there is no other strategy that is also a best response to another player. In the one-shot game in part d, which PSNE are strict, and which are not (i.e. “weak” PSNE? What do you then think is the relationship between ESS and strict/non-strict PSNE?
Question 9
Consider the evolutionary Hawk-Dove game, where members of a species are competing over a resource valued at 12, with a cost of losing a fight being \(-15\).
Part A
Draw the payoff matrix for the game.
Part B
Find the pure strategy Nash equilibria.
Part C
Is Hawk evolutionarily stable?
Part D
Is Dove evolutionarily stable?
Part E
Reconcile your answers in parts c and d to your answer in part b.
Part F
Find the evolutionarily stable (polymorphic) equilibrium distribution of Hawks and Doves. [Hint: let \(p\) be the probability the other player is a Hawk.]
Question 10
Consider the following game between two roommates. Roommate A has a very difficult exam the next morning, while Roommate B does not. The two of them can each decide to Study or Go Out that evening. Both would rather do something together, while A would certainly prefer they both Study and B would prefer they both Go Out.
Part A
Suppose they both agree that A gets to decide first and B must respond, as in the following game:
Solve this game for the rollback equilibrium using backwards induction.
Part B
Circle all subgames on the game tree.
Part C
Carefully convert this game from extensive form to strategic form. (Be mindful of how many potential strategies each player has!) Then, find any Nash equilibria in strategic form.
Part D
Which Nash equilibrium is subgame perfect? Why?
Part E
Suppose in an attempt to get A to Go Out, B says they will Go Out regardless of what A does. If A still gets to decide first (i.e. it is the same game as in part a), what should A make of this?